This is Episode 98
Welcome to Wellness in Every Season, the podcast where we explore the rich tapestry of wellness in all its forms. I’m your host, Autumn Carter, a certified life coach turned wellness coach as well as a certified parenting coach dedicated to empowering others to rediscover their identity in their current season of life.
My goal is to help you thrive both as an individual and as a parent.
Welcome to Episode 98: Why Progress Beats Perfection. Today, we’re diving into a concept that has the power to reshape how you approach not just your goals but also your wellness, relationships, and daily life. If you’ve ever felt stuck waiting for the “perfect moment” to start something important—whether it’s a health goal, a career move, or even a small household project—you’re not alone. Perfectionism often tricks us into standing still, when what we truly need is the courage to take imperfect but meaningful steps forward.
In this episode, we’ll explore how prioritizing progress over perfection can reduce stress, foster self-compassion, and support your overall wellness. Wellness isn’t about having everything figured out or achieving flawless results; it’s about making choices each day that help you feel more balanced, connected, and aligned with your values.
We’ll discuss why small, consistent actions are more impactful than waiting for the perfect conditions, how progress builds momentum in every dimension of wellness, and ways to shift your mindset to embrace the beauty of imperfection. This episode is packed with practical insights and inspiration to help you let go of perfectionism and start making progress today. Let’s dive in!
Key point #1: The Illusion of the Perfect Time
When we wait for the perfect moment, we often let opportunities slip right through our fingers, unseen and unappreciated. The truth is, the perfect time doesn’t exist—life is inherently messy, unpredictable, and full of surprises. If we let the idea of perfection dictate our choices, we can find ourselves waiting forever.
What’s transformative, however, are those small, imperfect actions we take today. They may not seem like much, but they are the seeds of progress, and over time, they can grow into something truly life-changing.
I know this because I’ve lived it. There was a time when I thought I needed life to settle down before I could return to school. I had small children at home, and the chaos of parenting made the idea of studying feel impossible. I kept telling myself, “Maybe later. Maybe when things are calmer.”
But as anyone with kids knows, calm is a rare luxury. If I had waited for the perfect moment, I might still be waiting today. My husband, though, gently nudged me to take the leap—not for anyone else but for me. And I am so deeply grateful I listened. Leaning into the chaos, I returned to school, and while it was far from easy, it worked.
I learned to adapt, to embrace the imperfections, and to grow through the process.
Another pivotal moment for me was starting my coaching business. I didn’t feel ready, and it certainly wasn’t perfect. I made mistakes, I stumbled, and I felt like I was piecing things together as I went. But what starting then gave me—rather than waiting—was the chance to learn and refine.
It gave me time to grow into the business I now love, rather than staying stuck in fear, waiting for everything to align perfectly.
This idea of not waiting isn’t limited to career moves or education—it applies to every corner of life.
Think about relationships. How often do we avoid mending a strained connection because we’re waiting for the “right” time to have the conversation? In truth, relationships don’t improve by waiting; they need care, even if it feels messy and imperfect.
Or consider health. Waiting to start prioritizing wellness can mean letting small problems turn into big ones. The action doesn’t have to be monumental—choosing to take a short walk, drink more water, or say no to an extra task can create a ripple effect that transforms your well-being over time.
This brings us to an important point: the illusion of the perfect time. We romanticize this idea of “someday,” imagining a future where the stars align, and everything feels easier or less daunting.
But “someday” is a dangerous mirage. The truth is, conditions will never be flawless, and waiting often just delays our progress indefinitely.
Think of someone waiting to get fit. They might say, “I’ll start when I have time to join a gym,” or “I’ll wait until I can afford the right equipment.” But the reality is, what they truly need is to take a walk today, to stretch their body, or to make one small change in their routine. Those small actions compound into habits, and habits lead to transformation.
Looking back, I am so thankful I didn’t wait until everything felt perfect to go after what mattered to me. I almost let fear and doubt hold me back, but I took a step forward anyway.
And here’s what I’ve learned: taking action—even imperfect action—feels liberating. It’s like a weight lifting off your shoulders because you’re no longer waiting for life to start. You’re creating it.
I share this with you because I know how hard it can be to take that first step, especially when you’re juggling so much. But here’s the beauty of it: the step doesn’t have to be big. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to be a step.
Whether it’s a 5-minute conversation to start mending a relationship, a small dietary change to prioritize your health, or setting aside 10 minutes to pursue a passion project—every step forward matters.
Life won’t wait for us to feel ready. But when we embrace the now and act—imperfectly, messily, and wholeheartedly—we give ourselves the gift of momentum, growth, and possibility.
So today, I encourage you to ask yourself: What small step can I take right now? What opportunity is sitting in front of me, waiting for me to claim it?
The perfect moment is a myth, but progress is always within reach.
Key point #2: Progress Over Perfection
When we focus on progress instead of perfection, we unlock a mindset that transforms how we approach challenges, goals, and even daily life. Perfection often paralyzes us—it tells us we aren’t ready or that our efforts won’t be good enough. Progress, on the other hand, says, “Just try. Move forward, even if it’s messy.”
Think about starting a wellness routine. How often have you thought, “I’ll start working out when life isn’t so busy,” or “I’ll eat healthier after the holidays?” The truth is, life doesn’t slow down for us, and there’s always a reason to delay. What if instead of waiting, you started small—doing just five minutes of stretching in the morning or swapping one less healthy meal for a nourishing option?
These small actions don’t need perfect conditions, but they create momentum. By starting today, you’ll likely find it’s easier to keep going than to wait for a mythical “better” time.
Let’s talk about relationships. Maybe there’s someone you’ve been meaning to reconnect with—a family member or a friend. It’s easy to think, “I’ll call them when I have a free afternoon,” or “I’ll reach out when I’m not so busy.” Days turn into weeks, and before you know it, that friendship feels distant.
But progress doesn’t have to look like an hour-long phone call or a deep conversation. What if instead, you sent a quick text? “Hey, I’ve been thinking about you. Let’s catch up soon.” It’s not perfect, but it’s a start. Those small, imperfect gestures remind people that they matter to us, and they lay the foundation for deeper connection over time.
Now consider your professional goals. Maybe you’ve been dreaming of a career change or starting a side hustle. The idea of jumping in can feel overwhelming—you think, “I need more skills, more savings, more time.” But what if instead, you took a single step forward? Researching your new field for 20 minutes a day, signing up for a free webinar, or even brainstorming your next move are all small but meaningful actions.
Progress doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to move you forward. Those small steps create clarity and confidence, and they help you see that starting where you are is more powerful than waiting to have it all figured out.
This idea of progress also applies to family routines. Have you ever said to yourself, “We’ll start eating dinner together as a family when things calm down,” or “I’ll work on a better bedtime routine when our schedule isn’t so hectic”? The truth is, calmer days rarely come.
Instead, start small. Maybe it’s committing to one family dinner a week or introducing a 10-minute wind-down routine at bedtime. It doesn’t have to look perfect from the start, but the consistency of showing up creates a foundation for something better.
Even emotional wellness benefits from progress over perfection. Have you ever thought, “I’ll journal when I’m less stressed,” or “I’ll meditate when I’m feeling more centered”? Ironically, those practices are most helpful when we feel scattered or overwhelmed. Taking five minutes to jot down your thoughts or practice mindful breathing doesn’t require ideal circumstances. It just requires you to start.
Finally, consider pursuing a creative passion. Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a book, learn an instrument, or try painting. It’s easy to tell yourself, “I’ll start when I have more free time,” or “I’ll wait until the kids are older.”
But what if instead, you picked up a pen, a brush, or an instrument today—even for just 10 minutes? Those small moments of creativity can be incredibly fulfilling. Often, the joy and passion that come from these small steps make it easier to find more time than you ever thought possible.
Progress is where transformation begins. When we let go of the need to get everything right, we free ourselves to grow, adapt, and discover what’s possible. Perfection keeps us stuck, but progress moves us forward.
So, as you reflect on this key point, ask yourself:
What small action can I take today to create progress?
It doesn’t have to be big, and it certainly doesn’t have to be perfect—it just has to move you closer to where you want to be.
Segment: Mindfulness Practice: Tapping Into What You Really Want
Take a moment to find a comfortable position. If you’re able to, close your eyes and take a deep, slow breath in through your nose… and gently exhale through your mouth.
As you settle into this moment, bring your focus to your breath. Feel the air filling your lungs, bringing in calm and possibility, and let the exhale carry away any tension or distractions.
Now, I want you to picture yourself in a space where you feel completely safe, calm, and free—whatever that looks like for you. Maybe it’s a cozy room, a peaceful outdoor setting, or somewhere you’ve always dreamed of being. Let yourself settle into this space, feeling its warmth and comfort.
In this place, there’s no judgment, no outside expectations—only your true self. Imagine asking yourself a question: What do I really want in my life right now? Let the question settle in. Don’t rush to find the answer—just notice what comes up.
You might see a clear vision of a goal, a project, or a change you’ve been yearning for. Or maybe it’s a feeling—peace, balance, connection, joy. Whatever comes up is okay. Just let it rise to the surface.
Now, focus on that want, that desire. What does it feel like? What emotions does it bring? Excitement? Relief? A sense of purpose? Let yourself fully experience those feelings as if this desire has already come to life.
As you stay connected to this vision, ask yourself: What is one small step I can take toward this today? Picture yourself taking that step. See it unfold in your mind. Imagine how it feels to begin, even if it’s imperfect or small. Notice the lightness, the energy, the momentum it creates.
When you’re ready, take a deep breath in, holding onto this clarity and intention. As you exhale, let go of any fears or doubts that have been holding you back. Trust that progress—no matter how small—is enough.
Slowly bring your awareness back to your body, wiggling your fingers or toes, and when you’re ready, open your eyes. Take a moment to carry this clarity with you, knowing that you have the power to start creating the life you truly want, one step at a time.
This mindfulness practice can help listeners connect with your inner desires while emphasizing the importance of small, intentional steps forward.
Key point #3: Growth Through Action
When it comes to creating the life you want, action is the bridge between where you are and where you want to be. It’s not about having a perfect plan or knowing every step in advance—it’s about starting, learning, and adapting along the way. This is where the saying, “When you know better, do better,” comes into play. The truth is, you can’t know better until you act.
Every action you take teaches you something. It reveals what works, what doesn’t, and what feels aligned with your goals. Progress isn’t a straight line; it’s a series of steps, some forward, some backward, and some sideways. But every step holds value because it moves you closer to clarity and growth.
Let’s consider wellness as an example. Maybe you start with the goal of eating healthier. Your first action might be swapping one processed snack for a piece of fruit or drinking more water each day. Over time, you begin to notice how those changes affect your energy and mood. You might realize you feel better with more fresh food in your diet and less refined sugar. Through these small actions, you’re learning what works for your body—and as you know better, you naturally start to do better.
The same applies to parenting. Think about moments when you’ve tried a new approach with your kids—maybe shifting from reacting to a behavior to getting curious about what’s driving it. The first attempt might not be perfect, but through trial and error, you learn what resonates with your child. Each step helps you build a deeper connection and a more peaceful dynamic. Growth doesn’t happen overnight—it happens through action, reflection, and adjustment.
In relationships, growth through action can look like reaching out even when you feel unsure. Maybe you’re nervous about addressing a conflict or repairing a connection, but you start by saying, “I value this relationship, and I want to work through this with you.” That first action might feel small, but it opens the door to healing. Each conversation teaches you more about how to communicate, set boundaries, and strengthen the bond.
Even in career or creative pursuits, action leads to discovery. You might launch a project with a vague vision and learn as you go. For example, starting a side hustle or taking on a new role might reveal unexpected strengths or passions. What begins as a trial step evolves into something meaningful because you took action and allowed yourself to grow.
Here’s the beauty of growth through action: it doesn’t require perfection—it requires persistence. Every time you act, you’re building momentum. You’re stepping into the unknown with courage and a willingness to learn. And as you grow, your confidence expands, and your actions become more aligned with your true self.
What stops so many of us is the fear of doing it wrong. But here’s the truth: you will get things wrong sometimes. That’s not failure—it’s feedback. Each misstep is an opportunity to adjust and move forward with greater wisdom. When you know better, you do better, and that’s where real transformation happens.
So, how do you start embracing growth through action?
• Take a step, no matter how small. The action itself doesn’t need to be perfect; it just needs to move you closer to your goal.
• Reflect on what you learn. Ask yourself, What worked? What didn’t? How can I adjust next time?
• Celebrate your progress. Recognize that every step—big or small—is part of your journey.
As you reflect on this key point, ask yourself: What’s one area of my life where I’ve been waiting to act because I feel unsure or unready? How can I shift my mindset to see action as an opportunity for growth instead of a risk of failure?
Remember, growth doesn’t come from standing still—it comes from moving forward, learning, and evolving. So today, take that first step, and trust that with each action, you’re growing into the person you’re meant to be.
Welcome! Are you craving moments that nourish both your soul and family amidst the blur of daily tasks? I understand that desire for a life that brings peace, balance, and joy—not just endless to-dos.
That’s why I created a range of programs at Wellness in Every Season to help you transform daily routines into meaningful experiences. Recently, I’ve launched a variety of offerings designed for busy, budget-conscious individuals—some free and others starting at just $7. Many can be completed in a few minutes or hours, while others dive deeper into exploring your dreams, desires, and unique strengths.
These programs focus on practical self-care, creating equality in your home, and building trust with yourself. Imagine stepping into your day with confidence and ease, feeling supported by a community on a similar path. Whether you’re looking to reclaim time, pursue your dream job, or simply find joy in the little moments, there’s something here for you.
All resources are available on demand at wellnessineveryseason.com. You can also book private coaching sessions for more personalized support on your journey.
Key point #5 Trust the Journey
Welcome back! I hope you found that moment refreshing. Before we dive into our next key point, I want to take a quick moment to say that the best way you can support me and this podcast is by purchasing one of my programs, signing up for one-on-one coaching, and, of course, sharing this show with others. Your support allows me to continue creating valuable content that empowers each of us to live more fully and embrace wellness in every season of life. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me.
Now, let’s dive into our next key point:
One of the most powerful lessons we can learn is to trust the process of progress, even when it feels uncertain or imperfect. It’s natural to want results quickly or to feel frustrated when things don’t go as planned, but real growth and transformation take time. When we trust the journey, we give ourselves permission to show up fully and let life unfold as it’s meant to.
Think about the times you’ve planted a seed—whether literally or metaphorically. You don’t see the fruits of your labor immediately. You water it, nurture it, and give it time to grow. The same is true for your goals, relationships, wellness, and personal growth. Trusting the journey means letting go of the pressure to see instant results and instead focusing on the actions that move you closer to what matters most.
This trust is especially important in wellness. Sometimes, when you start a new habit, you might not feel the benefits right away. Maybe you’re trying to improve your sleep by adjusting your evening routine, but the first few nights are restless. Or you’re focusing on movement, but the scale doesn’t budge right away. These moments are opportunities to remind yourself that the process is working, even if the results aren’t visible yet. Consistency and patience are key.
In parenting, trusting the journey might look like letting go of the idea that every day has to go perfectly. There will be messy moments, mistakes, and hard conversations. But over time, those consistent efforts to connect, guide, and show up for your kids create a strong foundation. Parenting isn’t about perfection—it’s about being present and trusting that your love and efforts will make an impact.
When it comes to relationships, trusting the journey means understanding that growth takes time. Rebuilding trust, deepening connection, or navigating conflict isn’t a quick fix. It’s a process of showing up consistently, being honest, and extending grace to yourself and others. Every small effort adds up.
Even in your professional or creative life, trusting the journey might look like starting something without knowing where it will lead. Maybe you take a class, start a side project, or say yes to an opportunity that feels outside your comfort zone. Each step adds to your growth, even if the path isn’t perfectly clear.
Trusting the journey is about embracing where you are right now. It’s about knowing that progress doesn’t always look linear and that setbacks are part of the process. When you trust that your actions—no matter how small—are leading you somewhere meaningful, you free yourself from the fear of failure and the need for instant results.
So, as you reflect on this key point, ask yourself: How can I trust the journey in my own life? Where can I release the pressure to see immediate results and instead focus on showing up consistently and wholeheartedly?
Remember, growth takes time, and the journey is just as important as the destination. Trust it, embrace it, and know that every step you take is leading you closer to the life you’re creating.
Lifehack:Using Reminders on Your Phone to Stay Aligned with Your Goals
Our phones can often feel like a distraction, but they can also be powerful tools to keep us focused and intentional—especially when it comes to making progress on the things that matter most. Today’s lifehack is about using reminders on your phone to help you take small, meaningful steps toward your goals.
Here’s how you can make the most of reminders:
1. Break down your goals into small, actionable steps.
Instead of setting a vague reminder like “work out” or “write,” try something more specific, such as “stretch for 5 minutes” or “write one paragraph.” Breaking goals into smaller tasks makes them feel more achievable and less overwhelming.
2. Use recurring reminders for habits you want to build.
If you’re trying to drink more water, meditate, or take a daily walk, set a recurring reminder at the same time each day. For example, you might set a reminder at 7 a.m. that says, “Start your day with a big glass of water—you’ve got this!”
3. Add motivational language to your reminders.
A little encouragement goes a long way. Instead of a simple “work out,” try “Move your body—you’ll feel amazing after!” or “Take 5 minutes to breathe—you deserve this.” Personalizing your reminders can make them feel more uplifting and less like a chore.
4. Take advantage of location-based reminders.
If there’s something you’ve been meaning to do while you’re out and about, like picking up a specific item or running an errand, set a location-based reminder. For example, “Grab printer paper” can pop up when you’re near the store. This keeps you organized and helps you make the most of your time.
5. Plan for unexpected moments of downtime.
Sometimes, you find yourself with a few free minutes you didn’t expect—maybe a meeting ends early, or your kids are playing independently. Set reminders for small tasks you can do during these moments, like “Review your goals for 5 minutes” or “Take a 3-minute mindfulness break.” This way, you’re ready to use those pockets of time intentionally.
6. Reflect with end-of-day reminders.
Add a reminder at the end of your day to reflect on your progress. Something like, “What went well today? What’s one small win you can celebrate?” This keeps you mindful of the progress you’re making, even on the busiest days.
The key is to act on your reminders when they pop up. Treat them as gentle nudges, not demands. Over time, you’ll build habits that support your goals, and those reminders will become less necessary because you’ve already integrated the actions into your routine.
Try setting one reminder today for something meaningful—whether it’s a wellness habit, a small step toward a project, or even just a moment to breathe. You might be surprised by how much these small prompts can keep you on track and moving forward.
Remember, progress doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It just has to start—one reminder, one step, at a time.
Key Point #6:Celebrate Every Step
In the rush to achieve big goals or see major results, it’s easy to overlook the small wins along the way. But those small steps, the ones that seem insignificant in the moment, are what make progress possible. Celebrating every step you take isn’t just about acknowledging progress—it’s about fueling your momentum and reinforcing the belief that you’re capable of creating meaningful change.
Why celebration matters:
Our brains are wired to respond to positive reinforcement. When we take time to recognize even the smallest achievements, we’re telling ourselves, “This matters. I’m proud of this effort.” That positive feedback loop builds motivation and encourages us to keep going, even when the bigger goal feels far away.
Celebrating wellness milestones:
Imagine you’ve committed to drinking more water each day. At first, it might feel small, but over time, you notice that you’re less fatigued and more focused. Take a moment to celebrate that—you’re showing up for your body in a way that supports your well-being.
Or maybe you’ve started walking for five minutes a day. That might not seem like much at first, but five minutes becomes ten, then twenty. Celebrating those incremental changes reminds you of the power of consistency.
Celebrating progress in relationships:
Relationships grow through small, intentional actions. Maybe you sent that text to reconnect with a friend, or you took a deep breath instead of reacting during a tough parenting moment. These are moments worth celebrating because they show you’re prioritizing connection and growth.
Celebrating professional and personal wins:
Perhaps you started a new project or stepped out of your comfort zone to learn a skill. Celebrate the courage it took to begin, even if you’re not yet seeing the end result. Each action is a building block toward something greater.
How to celebrate meaningfully:
Celebration doesn’t have to be elaborate or time-consuming. It can be as simple as pausing to acknowledge your effort, writing down a small win in a journal, or treating yourself to something that brings you joy.
For example:
• Give yourself a mental high-five or say out loud, “I did that!”
• Share your progress with someone who supports you and let them cheer you on.
• Create a ritual, like a gratitude practice, to regularly reflect on what you’ve accomplished.
• Treat yourself to something that feels good—whether it’s a favorite snack, a walk in nature, or a relaxing evening activity.
Why this matters:
When you celebrate, you’re creating a positive association with progress. Instead of focusing on how far you have to go, you’re recognizing how far you’ve already come. That shift in perspective can be incredibly empowering and remind you that every step is part of the journey.
As you reflect on this key point, ask yourself: What’s one small step I’ve taken recently that I can celebrate? How can I make celebrating progress a regular part of my life?
Remember, the journey isn’t just about the destination—it’s about the moments along the way. Celebrate them, honor them, and let them fuel your belief that you’re capable of incredible growth.
Segment: Coaching Questions Reflecting on Your Progress and Emotions
Here are ten coaching questions to guide you in reflecting on your emotions and using them to enhance your success:
1. What is one area of your life where you feel stuck or hesitant to take action?
2. How does waiting for the “perfect time” impact your progress and emotions?
3. What is one small, imperfect action you could take today to move closer to your goal?
4. How do you typically celebrate small wins, and how can you make celebration a more consistent part of your journey?
5. In what ways does fear of failure hold you back, and how can you reframe it as an opportunity for growth?
6. What is one belief about perfection you can let go of to create more space for progress?
7. How can you use mindfulness to connect with what you truly want in life?
8. What have you learned from a past mistake or setback, and how has it shaped your current perspective?
9. How do your daily habits align with the bigger vision you have for yourself?
10. What would trusting the journey look like for you right now, even if the path isn’t perfectly clear?
You can find these questions written out in the transcripts on my website at https://www.wellnessineveryseason.com/podcast-transcripts for easy reference. Take your time with them, and don’t feel pressured to answer all at once—this is your journey.
Episode Summary: Why Progress Beats Perfection
In this episode, we explored the powerful mindset shift of embracing progress over perfection and how it can transform your wellness, relationships, and personal growth. We discussed why waiting for the “perfect moment” often keeps us stuck, while taking small, imperfect actions creates momentum and opens doors to meaningful change.
We touched on the importance of celebrating every step you take, trusting the journey even when results aren’t immediate, and using tools like phone reminders to stay aligned with your goals. Through mindfulness and reflection, we’ve highlighted how taking intentional action—no matter how small—can help you live more fully and authentically.
If you’re struggling with this or any other area of your life, let’s chat. Sometimes, all it takes is a conversation to find clarity and move forward. You can set up a chat by visiting https://www.wellnessineveryseason.com/contact-us.
Remember, progress doesn’t have to be perfect—it just has to start. Thank you for tuning in, and I hope this episode inspires you to take that first step toward your goals today.
Thank you for joining me on Wellness in Every Season. Take time to relax, heal, and be present. Next week, we will be talking about Homesteading with Amye Taye.
Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode. I am your host, Autumn Carter, a certified life coach dedicated to empowering individuals to rediscover their identity, find balance amidst chaos, strengthen relationships, and pursue their dreams. My goal is to help people thrive in every aspect of their lives. I hope today’s discussion inspired you and offered valuable insights.
Stay engaged with our wellness community by signing up for my newsletter at wellnessineveryseason.com/free-resources. When you join, you’ll have the option to receive a five-day guide called Awaken and Unwind: Five Days to Mastering Your Mornings and Evenings, along with free guides, special offers on my programs, practical tips, personal stories, and much more by signing up for both offers on the page.
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Thank you for being a part of our podcast community. I look forward to continuing our conversation, sharing stories, and exploring wellness in all its aspects. Take care until our next episode. You can also work with me one-on-one or on-demand through one of my programs by visiting wellnessineveryseason.com/programs.
One last thing to cover the show legally: I am a certified life coach giving general advice. So think of this more like a self-help book. This podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. I am not a licensed therapist, so this podcast shouldn’t be taken as a replacement for professional guidance from a doctor or therapist. If you want personal one-on-one coaching from a certified life and parenting coach, go to my website, wellnessineveryseason.com. That’s where you can get personalized coaching from me.
See you in next week’s episode!